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Bear Creek Haiti Mission 2019

"Making a Difference 

One Church, One a time."


Mission Scripture

Joshua 22:5 - “Only carefully obey the command and instruction that Moses the Lords servant gave you. To love the Lord your God, walk in all his ways, keep his commands, be loyal to him, and serve him with all your heart and all your soul”

Mission Theme

Serve with a heart like Jesus 

Mission Goals

Continue to support the St. Elizabeth Baptist Church in Shalle Haiti

Continue to support the work of Hosean International Ministries Pignon Haiti

Install  1000 sq. ft of ceiling in St. Elizabeth Church

Sponsor Two days of Vacation Bible School at St Elizabeth Church

Sponsor Leadership Training Session with young church leaders of several churches at Camp Dela Grace

Preach the Sunday morning worship service at St. Elizabeth Church as part of their Harvest Celebration

Distribute 1000lbs of Beans and 1000 lbs of Rice to the church and community

Donated a new generator to St. Elizabeth  Church

Donated 50 pair  quality  rubber sandals to the church to give away

Donated  20 Pillow case dresses to the church and some of the orphan girls at Camp Dela Grace.

Continue to Pay School Fees for 30 youth from the St. Elizabeth Church

Determine next years opportunities

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Transportation Schedule to Pignon

  • Depart Irving 4:30 pm Sunday July 21 arrive in Ft Pierce Monday July 22 1 pm

  • Overnight stay at hotel then depart to Mission Flight International hanger and arrive at 6 am 

  • Depart  at  8 am  for Santiago Dominican Republic to drop off cargo .

  • Depart for  Cap- Hatian Haiti for customs and immigration into the country.

  • Depart  CapHatian 12:30 pm for Pignon

  • Arrive Pignon 12:45 pm 


Bear Creek Community Church
2700 Finley Road
Irving, Texas 75062
(972) 257-0206

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©2021 by Bear Creek Community Church - Irving Texas

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