Bear Creek Community Church | Dance Ministry
Praise dancing is a liturgical or spiritual dance that incorporates music and movement as a form of worship rather than as an expression of art or as entertainment. Praise dancers use their bodies to express the word and spirit of God.
Praise dancers can be old or young, male or female, experienced or novice. Anyone who feels spiritual joy and wants to express it through dance can join in. That said, some praise dances ministry pieces are prearranged as choreographed pieces for a select group of dancers in a congregation. Praise dances can also feature a soloist, who may minister with or without set choreography, depending on whether he or she chooses to dance a previously arranged routine, or prefers to dance spontaneously.
- Source | "Live About"
At Bear Creek Community Church, our desire is to allow the Spirit of the Lord minister through each anointed individual through song and dance. It is an opportunity to express art in a creative spiritual manner while expressing our love for God. A lot of time and effort is designated for preparation, but after all, God desires our best.
If you would like to be a part of Bear Creeks Dance Ministry, contact us today!
A Legacy to Remember
Minister Shanna Starks will truly be missed. Minister Shanna arrived at Bear Creek with a sparkle in her eye and a burning desire to be of service. Minister Shanna found her home in the Bear Creek Dance Ministry and God set the burning desire ablaze inside of her and she was filled with an all consuming fire to minister for the Lord through dance and she did just that every day. She took the dance mininstery which was thriving and raised it to a new level. She ministed to the dancers giving them deeper biblical understanding of their ministry of dance. She and the dancers set out to bring joy and encouragement to everyone they ministed to. They went from ministering to Bear Creek Church and local churches to ministering at the prisons, conferences in other states and even in other countries. Sister Shanna added so much value to everyone she met, even though she had some major struggles of her own, she never let that stop her praise or her witness. Sister Shanna is such an inspiration for not just the members of Bear Creek but just about everyone who was graced with her presence in their life and she will always be remembered.
Walking forward in faith
Sister Tenicia Coleman currently service as the Director of the Teen and Adult Dance Ministries at Bear Creek Community Church in Irving, Texas. After many years of faithful service to the Bear Creek Community Church, Senior Pastor Dennis Webb, was pleased to honor the late Minister Shanna's wishes and appoint Sister Tenicia as the new director of Dance.
Contact Our Dance Ministry
Tanecia Coleman | Director Bear Creek Dance Ministry

"Anointed Young Ladies"
Youth Dance 4-12 years of age. Director - Lakrisha Cooper
Prep Time: Sunday After Service

"Giving God Glory | 3G"
Adult Dance Ministry
21-55 Years of Age.
Minister, Shanna Starks | Director Prep Time: Mondays 7pm

"Lydia's Ladies"
Teen Dance Ministries 13-21 years of age.
Minister, Shanna Starks | Director Prep Time: Mondays 7pm

"Angelic Aged Angels"
55 & Over
Diane Haynes Director
Prep Time: TBD