The BCCC Prison Ministry is an amazing opportunity to see many souls come to Yahweh and others renew their relationship in a powerful way. This ministry takes groups of 20 plus individuals into Texas prisons for evangelism. The group goes in on Saturday and Sunday from 7 am to 6 pm each day. We minister in music, testimonies, the preached word, singing, dancing, and comedy opportunities for prayer and two-by-two sharing in a supervised environment although none are allowed to leave the prison once admitted for the day. Guards are present at all times and by following the directives of the prison it is a safe environment to evangelize in.
Prison Ministry

All About BCCC Prison Ministry
The Bear Creek Prison Ministry is what is today because of the hard work and dedication of our very beloved, the late Minister Shanna Starks. She took up the reigns of Missionary Joy and the late Pastor Cantu who took our first teams out into this mission field. Her efforts have paved new roads for us we look forward to continuing and building on the foundation she has set for our church.
We welcome Elder Patrick Smith as our new Prison Ministry Director. Cherry picked by Minister Shanna herself to carry on and grow the ministry, Elder Smith has graciously stepped into the role and his heart for ministry and the prison has shined brightly not only in Bear Creek Church but in the community....
We serve nachos, kool-aid and cookies to the inmates. Individuals are encouraged to bring their musical instruments or accompaniment cds. If you have a skit or a talent that will be conducive within the confines of the prisons it will be welcomed. The volunteers come from all walks of life. Some are ex-offenders, some with children incarcerated, other have experienced abuse and very traumatic situations. The volunteers range in age from 18 to grandparents. This ministry do not share religion only the gospel. In other words denomination will not be an issue.
The first time on outreach one can go as a special volunteer but after that you must submit an application with the Texas Department of Correction for a half a day training. This ministry only cost travel to and from the prison and hotel room for the two nights. Two -four persons can stay in a room so it is cost effective. You can usually hitch a ride with the church van or if someone in your area or church group
“Pennies 4 Prison”
“Pennies for Prison” is a small and easy way to help. Giving us your pennies will help with the purchase of the supplies like cookies, cheese, chips, jalapenos, Kool-aid, cups, and napkins, no amount is too small every penny counts.
Click the Penny below for On-line Giving

Prison Volunteer Requirements
To be able to volunteer in the prison system in Texas without hindrance you are required to take a training class. Here is a link to the website so you can electronically register to take the class. If you prefer to mail in your application please fill this form out send it to the address listed on the application. If you are interest in joining the Prison Ministry, email us at admin@bearcreekirving.org or call us at (972) 257-0206.